Thursday, March 25, 2010

Courage to give up

photo credit: Bing

There are time you wish you could turn back, however you know you can't.

Even if you do, are they going to be the same?

Sometime, it takes more courage to give up than to continue.

I am a coward, because I don't have the courage and determination to give up.

At least, not now.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nothing left, but memories

24th of March

Today is exactly a month since I reached Melbourne..
Same suburb, same uni, same faces, different house...
missing houses, missing faces, missing the people and fun

Life has been much more quiet,
less birthday party,
less chances of bumping into friends,
less happening events...

Walking on the same street and route,
feel so familiar yet so strange.

Sometime.. I subconsciously wanted to walk the wrong way back..
Feel like crossing the car park to go back to Morton..
But what is left there?

But memories.