Friday, August 03, 2007

The power of the mind

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.


I have always believe that our mind is the one that play the main role of nearly everything.
There is also one story that is related to mind, that i would like to share.
It was a story that i read i was young.

The story begin with two young students who were going to the government examination. It is an examination that will affect their future. In the olden China, only people who score in the government exam get to be the officer of government.

However, on the way to the examination hall, they saw a funeral. When they saw the coffin, both of them have different thinking.

One of them thought that, coffin is a sign of bad luck and he get worried, whereas the other think that it is a good sign. This is because the word of coffin in Mandarin is 'guan chai', the word 'guan' has the same pronouncation as the 'guan' of officer.

At last, the person who thought is a good sign scored. And i guess u will know what happen to the other one.

What I trying to say is that our mind affect us. The way we think of a matter, will change the result.

So what ever and when every is it, try to think positively. There is always the good side of it no matter how bad the things is.

1 comment:

Kevin Tan said...

Yes, I couldn't agree more on this phrase. "The Power of the Mind". Nothing beats the mind power.