Friday, June 12, 2009


I think most of you recognize her.. is Pearlyn Sin! I always think she is so brave to have the courage to stand out, to present herself.

To me, she is a very inspiring friend to have.. she live her life to the fullest and it seems nothing is impossible in this world for her =)

She is now the finalist of Most Wanted ruumate! If you do have the time, just a few click, do vote for her ok?

The following link is her blog.. and she will teach you how to vote for her =)

1 comment:

3cinr3b said...

i can't wait to see huanglin's baby too!!! don't even understand why i'm excited when i'm not related at all but yea :)

you're most welcome about that email.

can see parents very very soon liao, in the meantime jia you first k ying :)