Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Wind and the cloud

Where are you ...
Do you know that the cloud is waiting here...

Can you hear.....
The cloud is calling for you...

Can you see ....
the cloud is always here...

Can you feel ...
The cloud is missing you...

Do you know...
The cloud always love you..

Have you found...your happiness...
Have you found...

Do you know..
The cloud hope you will be happy...
Always happy ........

Actually this is the translation for the chinese below.. I didn't purposely go translate it.. coz the stupid yo-yo lar... he cheated me... he called me to translate ...coz he want to know the meaning. after that only i found out.. he put my translation on my comment... Since he did that ... i mar just post it to let u guys see lor....Hahaha.. How's my stupid work??? very sad??? very bad??? meaningless???? Just post a comment and tell me.... thx...

1 comment:

3cinr3b said...

where got stupid la..!! but since everyone is starting to write poems, i suggest u guys post it on deviantart, remember the site i showed u? it can become a collection of arts u look back when u get old