Saturday, November 10, 2007


Do you know how to line up ?

Yesterday after examination, as usual, we head towards the restroom. I was disappointed by the moral of the citizen of our country again.

As everyone know, they are one row of separated toilet. So how will you queue? In front of the door of the toilet??? Then you are the same type of people I talk about later on. The appropriate way of queue up, is to stand before the first toilet. This is to be fair. So which ever toilet is free, you are going in accordingly.

So after exam, my beloved 's' and I were in the restroom. Few of them get in, so it was full. my dear and I queue up before the first toilet. So here came in one girl.. look very fashion, full of make up. Next??? She walked pass us and stood in front of one of the toilet. If you never learn to queue up in an appropriate way, can't you see there are 2 girls lining up there?

Few seconds later, another girl came in, same case. walked pass us as if we are invisible or some weird fellow and stood in front of one of the toilet.

After that , my darlings wonder why dear and I took so long. Because of some people's moral lo.. Although you are highly educated, doesn't means you have moral. I look down on people who don't have moral than those who are not educated. Sorry if you are the type of people I mention above, hope you learn and won't do it next time.

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