Monday, May 05, 2008


I went out with my darlings and the girls on Sunday to celebrate my darling Jacqueline 's birthday. After lunch, we went shopping a while... and I bought books again.. :P

This 《寂寞的十七岁》 by 白先勇 was a book I wanted to read long ago. It was recommended by some newspaper or magazine.. which I can't remember. It looks like some story/ novel to me , think is some kind of 散文. Not sure whether I'll like it or not.. should be a nice book since it is recommended.

Hehe.. found that 刘墉 has some new books.. checked the year of publication.. 2006 and 2007 .. quite new.. The contents of the books should not clash with the previous books I have. This 《以诈止诈》 seems like the continue version of the series of 我不是教你诈... Should be something interesting about this society I can learn about again.

By the book name.. can know that is something I'll enjoy reading. 《爱是一种美丽的疼痛》. For those who don't know 刘墉.. This type of books is not story or novel. is more like 散文 type.. and is more like telling you a real life story.. then analyse and explained the story behind of it.

My reading list is getting longer and longer... which I don't mind.. However, I should really stop buying books and finish those in my hands 1st. haha. But my books buying list is actually way longer than my reading list. :P

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