Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Zoo negara volunteer job

Read Ping's post about zoo negara.. and realise that I didn't update the Zoo Negara volunteer job that we did last month.

It was 20th of April, remember it well because is Bernice birthday.

MNSM organised this volunteer job in Zoo Negara. Well, the girls and I were very excited about it. When people asked curiously what would we be doing in the zoo, we gave them all type of sarcastic answer. E.g. we going to go scoop poops. We going to take lion or tiger to have a walk..

We even planned to wear our ONE LIFE T-shirt together. However, it turn out that Jia Yeng's sis said it will attract mosquito, therefore, she didn't wear it. On that day, there is a couple wearing one life T as well. hehe...

I can't remember exactly how many of us.. should be around 40 of us.. We were divided into few groups and went to different zone to work on. We girls went to clean up some places full of leaves.. haha.. ah darlings.. what zone is that d ar? I can't remember :P

I only remember those raccoon. and those rats!!! can't remember the name of the look like a big kangaroo animal in the cage where we clean up. There was no introduction board for it either since the place was actually restricted to the visitor..

We get to feed the rats as well. The biggest rats and the cute little prairie dog. Yea.. the name has a dog on it, but it is a rat.. so cute.. especially when they eat... like those rats in the cartoon.. We get to touch them as well. the prairie dog feels like those rough broom material.. and the biggest rats( which I forget the name) feels like some carpet.. rough rough one also.

At first we didn't dare to take photo, because camera was not allowed during working.. So we didn't take photo of the cute prairie dog.. This photo is found online. When we go to the next cage only the zoo keeper asked us want to take photo or not.. sigh... miss the cute prairie dog.

The biggest rat

Oh ya ... we really did go visit the LION and TIGER lo.. We snap photos with the lions ler.. show you our new pets.. THE LION AND US...

Okay.. lame... lala~ You can laugh as you wish..


3cinr3b said...

BWHAHAHAHAH i seriously believed you :/

chin ying said...

hehe.. :P

Anonymous said...

wallaby (the kangaroo)

wah 40 of u?
i see 5 only...